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'A bit of branding mystery revealed'

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Van: Factuurexpress

Weekly Marketing Wisdom
Today's Article: 'A bit of branding mystery revealed'

Have you noticed you can't turn around these days without bumping into an article on branding? What I find interesting is that despite all the articles, books, and classes orbiting around us, there seems to still be as much confusion as there is clarification.

Let's start by making things simple. Your 'brand identity' is your logo, tagline, marketing materials, colors, and any images that support your brand. In other words, it's the 'stuff' you pay a designer to create for you.

Your brand however, is something other than a list of items you can check off as having created. You see, a brand is the promise of an experience. Think of it as the emotional connection your service inspires.

For example, my Website Wisdom service promises 'a spa like experience that pampers you into a client capturing web presence.' Whether you've ever been to a spa or not, just hearing the words, 'spa like' evokes a sense of peace, relaxation, that you'll be well taken care of and not have to lift a finger. It goes on to create a feeling of fulfillment and richness. Not bad for two little words!

Your brand identity must support and enhance your brand's promise of an experience. I knew when I was creating the marketing message for Website WIsdom, I wanted the words to reflect the sense of peace, relaxation, and pampering our clients receive in an otherwise complicated and overwhelming project. That was the inspiration for the phrase, 'spa like.'

What is the promise of an experience clients receive with your service? Don't be afraid to dig deeply into emotions. Emotions are the real triggers that spark an almost client to say, 'Yes!' Logic, facts and figures are only ways to justify their decision. This week, think, ask, and reflect about what is the emotional connection your clients receive. Then ask, 'How can I make my marketing communicate the promise of that experience?'

Now it's your turn!


PS Even if you are new in your business, or not yet well established, now is the time to work on creating your brand. It's the core of being remarkable!

Personal Reflections
Just what it sounds like...

One of the toughest things I am learning in my business is to reveal a bit more about myself. It's hard. I hold myself to a very high standard and usually expect to set an outstanding example.

What I am slowly realizing, is that by being more transparent with my own business growth revelations and self discoveries - even when they clearly say, 'I blew it!' - I have the opportunity to help others realize that every step is part of a journey, not just a destination. Plus there is the added advantage of setting an example for people to be a little easier on themselves.

I had the opportunity to practice last week when I taught the September Horse Wise teleclass. All I did was let the group know that I had not completed my August goals. Then I laid out my strategy for rethinking where I am and how I am re-evaluating those goals in the context of a larger, 90-day time frame (rather than just try to 'shove them in' with September's list). The effect on the group was immediate.

I not only heard a sigh of relief, I also heard a heart-felt, 'thank you' for sharing that even though I am teaching this stuff, and live by it, life happens.

...Until next week, Kendall

Website Wisdom Tidbits
A morsel of client capturing wisdom, ripe for the picking

Use 'title case' to make your headlines bodly stand out. Title case is where each word is capitalized. Title case is like a zesty spice; it adds oomph to your headlines so use it sparingly to get the most flavor from it.

Want to see an example? Take a look at our Website Wisdom portfolio

Marketing Articles
You are welcome to use one of mine. Just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

'Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing for your business. Visit for more articles and free weekly marketing wisdom.'

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