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How To Ask For A Client's Business

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~ How To Ask For A Client's Business ~

Do phrases like 'power closing' or 'never take no for an answer' keep you from asking for new business? If so, you are certainly not alone! Many of my readers shy away from situations that spark feeling pushy. But if you don't do something to create closure - or a next step - then you can easily find yourself in the no-man's land of wondering if and when your hoped for client is going to hire you.

The key is to use the Be Yourself Marketing® approach. In the Marketing Makeover Kit I teach what I call the 'Magic Close'. It's so respectful, easy and natural that everyone feels comfortable saying it. Please pardon me for not giving away this incredibly valuable
secret. What I will give away is a tip to help you find out exactly what your almost-client is thinking so you know what to do next.

Here's what you do:

When you are at the point of wondering what the next step is, respectfully and with curiosity ask your almost-client, 'What
needs to happen in order for us to work together?'

That's it.

What usually happens is your almost-client will think through what the next steps are and tell you about them. That gives you the opportunity to arrange a follow up action that is both anticipated and welcomed (sending out an article, marketing materials, and scheduling another time to talk for example). Give it a try this week and watch as your selling conversation begins to feel like you're not selling at all!

Now it's your turn!


Personal Reflections
Just what it sounds like...

Riding my horse gives me no end of life metaphors and learning opportunities. Last week, we were 'schooling' (a nice way of saying 'let's work!'). As always, we started with the basics before I moved on to more advanced requests and intricate movements. When it was finally time, my horse was ready. He willingly worked hard and beautifully for me and we finished our ride tired, yet inspired.

The ride was an outstanding reminder of how important it is to revisit the basics, no matter how much experience I already have (or don't have, as the case may be). By allowing time to go through the foundation steps, I create a result that is both delightful and rich in rewards.

This works brilliantly in business as well. Right now I have the joy of watching participants in my Horse Wise program create their foundation - the steps that lead up to a more successful, profitable, fulfilling business. The results are already coming in. Increased revenue for one; a potentially lucrative affinity relationship for another; less work load for someone else, as they reinvent themselves in their business. I am filled with gratitude and admiration for each of them!

For me, in business, as in riding, my focus is on creating the foundation steps and letting the results fall naturally and easily into place.

...Until next week, Kendall

Website Wisdom Tidbits
A morsel of client capturing wisdom, ripe for the picking

Action words grab your reader's attention and rivet their eyes to the page. Keep your writing active, rather than passive. Which would you rather read: 'Our goal is to give you the best in customer service' (yawn) or 'Want your question answered promptly? Send us an email and we guarantee a response in 24 hours or less!'

Want to see examples of active writing? Take a look at our Website Wisdom portfolio

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine. Just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."

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