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Don't Skip These Steps In A Selling Conversation

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Van: Factuurexpress

'Don't Skip These Steps In A Selling Conversation''

If you've been nurturing your marketing (identifying your choice client, creating a benefit laden tag line and website, networking, speaking, or writing to become known, gathering testimonials that sing your praises) then you are in the grand and glorious position of hearing your phone ring with prospective client inquiries.

Now is not the time to get complacent about how those calls are handled. Even when a prospective client calls and says, 'I really need you!' (Yes, it does happen. In fact, I've heard it twice in the last 3 business days) it's tempting to skip right to describing your service, talking about pricing, and how to move forward. Notice I said talking.

Guess what? Do that and you're probably talking to someone who isn't really listening. Instead, it's essential that you stick to the selling conversation steps you know work. Just what are those steps?

Step #1 Identify either the problem they've been having, or will have if they don't move forward. How? Ask questions.

Step #2 Summarize what you have just heard.

Step #3 Ask permission to describe how your solution may fit their need. While you're at it, ask permission at the end to hear from them whether this sounds like a good option.

Step #4 Ask how this option sounds to them.

Step #5 Ask 'What is the next step?'

Whether you're new or established in your business, keeping your focus on a simple selling conversation flow will make the most of every new client opportunity.

Now it's your turn!


Personal Reflections
Just what it sounds like...

No matter how often I coach my clients and write about doing less to make more, it's tempting to slide into a state of hard work, with overwhelm looming in the distance like our summer storm clouds. What I've noticed that is different now - in contrast to a year ago - is that instead of saying to myself, 'Just buckle down, dive in to the torrent of tasks, and figure that somehow it will all get done' I am asking one vital question.

'How can I make this better?'

Every time I ask, 'How can I make this better?' I instantly think of a way to delegate, let go, or redesign what I'm working on. More importantly, the question puts me in a state of feeling calm, at ease, and in control of my day. The way I look at it, life is just too short and precious to spend chunks of time feeling anything but fabulous.

...Until next week, Kendall

Website Wisdom Tidbits
A morsel of client capturing wisdom, ripe for the picking

Don't lump all of your testimonials on one testimonial page. Instead, sprinkle them throughout your site on every page. Bold key phrases in your testimonials to show off the best results your clients have experienced. Lastly, use your clients' full name, title, and company whenever possible.

Want to see an example? Take a look at our Website Wisdom portfolio

Marketing Articles
You are welcome to use one of mine. Just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

'Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom.'

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