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Tell The Truth To Your Clients

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Van: Factuurexpress

~ Tell The Truth To Your Clients ~

Last week, I had the pleasure of hearing Sam - a coaching client - crow with delight at gaining a new client. What made this success unusual, was that Sam had originally been approached to design a program, but ended up telling her client, "You know, you don't need me to design a program for you. You need to hire me as your coach!"

Risky? Nope. In fact, quite the opposite. Sam saw what her client really needed, and had the courage to say it.

People appreciate honesty and boldness. Does that mean you have permission to go around telling everyone what to do? No!
Here are 3 quick tricks to make honesty work for you:

#1. Make sure you understand what the client wants to accomplish. Think of this as the destination.

#2. Use your expertise to decide if the action steps the client is suggesting will really help them reach their destination.

#3. Speak up if the action steps seem like more of a detour than a straight path. Be sure and weave in their destination with what you suggest as an alternative route. It might sound like this (I've taken the role of a business consultant in this example):

"If you want to shorten your payment cycle, then tightening your credit terms is probably not going to work. In fact, given the economy, I think it will cause you to lose clients. Here is what I think would work better, to get you the result you want..."

If you've listened attentively, built rapport, and know your solution is a good one, then be all means, speak up! Your clients will benefit from your wisdom, not from your silence.

Now it's your turn!


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Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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