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Being too busy for anything that matter is the chief complaint I hear.

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Van: Factuurexpress

Marketing Focus - It's All In What You Say Yes To ~

Losing money is one of my least favorite events in life, so when I say, "I'm willing to bet money..." YOU can bet that I mean it! Here's what I'm betting on this week: that any gaps in your business are the result of focusing on what you don't want, instead of what you do.

What do I mean by a "gap"? It's the difference between where you are, and where you want to be. Your gap may be in the number of clients you have, the amount of time you have to call your own, the amount of marketing you're doing, how much you are charging, the type of clients or projects you are working name it.

Being too busy for anything that matter is the chief complaint I hear. True confession: two months ago, I would have been first in that "whine line," speaking out loudly and often about how little control I had over my time.

Then I had an epiphany. I realized that by constantly focusing on, talking about, and feeling the pressure of no time, I was creating an abundance of...guess what? No time. I busted myself big time!

What's changed since then is I ask myself, "What do I want to say "yes" to today?" It's a simple question that packs a wallop! In just 4 short weeks, I've caught up on every major project I had been behind on for months, except for one, and it's turn is coming over the next two weeks. My energy is soaring and my creativity is now re-fueled for exciting changes in my business.

Ready for your own turn-around? Take stock of what you are giving a lot of attention to right now, and if it's sucking the life out of you, then turn it around by asking yourself, "What do I want instead?" Put your thoughts, your voice, and your physical energy to the answer you come up with. Remember, it's no secret that what you focus on expands, so what are you saying "yes" to?!

Now it's your turn!


PS What are you saying "yes" to? Send me an email with your "yes's" along with your comments about the big and little differences you've noticed in your life/business by directing those "yes's" to what you really want. I'll publish a compilation of your responses in an upcoming issue of Weekly Marketing Wisdom.

It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

Last week, I answered an email from Careful and Cautious, who was hesitant about how to meet new prospective clients, given the recent "Do Not Call" Act. One thoughtful reader had this to ad:

"Hi Kendall--I would highly recommend BNI, Business Networking International, to Careful and Cautious. There are chapters all over the country and internationally as well. will connect you to a chapter in your area. It's a great organization. There are others as well but I am a member of this one and can speak first hand about it's value. Thanks for your newsletter!"

Kirsten Ludwig Sanford
Independent AFLAC Agent

My note: Thanks Kirsten! You're right - BNI is a terrific organization. I have several clients who have received a ton of quality referrals once they joined.

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Need A Compelling Marketing Message? ~
Here's What Will Help

Download "Crafting Your Marketing Message" now.
It's a sample chapter from the Marketing Makeover Kit.
Visit and click on the link for
the sample chapter. It only takes a minute!

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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