To the point instructions for web services I find interesting.

Yes, you CAN guarantee your service

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Yes, you CAN guarantee your service

  Aanbevelen Bericht 1 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

~ Yes, you CAN guarantee your service ~

Think your service does not lend itself to offering a guarantee? Everyone loves getting a guarantee, but when the shoe is on the other foot, many business owners either have trouble seeing what they offer that can be guaranteed, or are nervous about making an offer they may not be able to live up to.

Here are 4 different examples of low-risk guarantees you can give. Is one an 'A-ha' for you? Let me know!

A Coach can't guarantee a certain result when it's up to the client to take action. Solution? Guarantee what you KNOW will be different: A new perspective; 3 ways to focus their time; 5 sure-fire strategies for getting their life back in control. Better yet, guarantee something like this: 'if you follow my 3-strategy goal setting coaching program, I guarantee you'll get more accomplished than you thought possible!' Notice there is no mention of money returned.

A Cash Flow Consultant can't guarantee a client funding. The solution? Guarantee you'll return their call or email in 24 hours. Then do it. You can also guarantee you'll find the best solution for their needs, even if it means no transaction or commission for you.

A Professional Organizer can't guarantee the job will be complete in a certain amount of time. The solution? Guarantee the client will see a remarkable difference in the area to be organized, or you'll stay until they do. Or guarantee they'll feel like a 10-ton elephant was just lifted off of their shoulders.

This is fun, so let's do one more...

A Re-design specialist can guarantee the client will love the look of their new room or they'll put everything back!

If you offer an information product, like I do with the Marketing Makeover Kit , offer a 100% refund guarantee. I offer a '100% no quibble, no guilt, no time limit guarantee.' I've sold hundreds of Kits and can count the refunds given on one hand. So take a minute right now and create a guarantee. Post it on your website. Mention it when you're talking with an almost-client. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I guarantee it!

Now it's your turn!


PS - Bonus Tip: Add a 'PS' to the bottom of your home page with your guarantee.PS's (is that a real word?) are THE most likely words on your site to be read. Case in point - you read this PS, didn't you?!

Personal Reflections

~ My Thoughts On ... ~

On of the reasons I used to loath taking time off, was facing a mountain of email, phone calls, and work when I returned. Yeesh! Made me want a vacation from my vacation. But since I've been following my own Horse Wise program, I've not only taken more tim off this year than ever (4 weeks so far, and another 4 between now and December), I've enjoyed coming back to a clean desk, a small, manageable inbox of email, a few phone calls to return, and a comfortable schedule this week.

The blessing of this turn of events has hit me full force this week, as we just returned from 8 days in New York visiting my husband's family. This, on top of taking 10 days off earlier in the month. So how did I do it? First I decided that the craziness of returning from vacation was not something I was willing to tolerate any more. Instead I wanted peace, the Monday to myself to get back into the work-saddle, and minimum appointments or commitments the first few days back. Then came planning, organization, the willingness to delegate, and an even greater willingness to let go.

I let go of thinking 'it all has to be done now!' That manifested itself in taking a realistic look at my calendar, and creating longer deadlines for projects. I realized that everything takes longer than I wish it did, so now I add in a generous allowance of time for a project. For the Monday I return, my only goals are to write and publish this ezine, catch up on email, and make contact with people who have called, even if all we do is schedule a time to talk. That's it.

Most importantly, I recognize I'll be moving a little slower, and need more time with each task.That alone gives me a measure of acceptance and peace, instead of whipping myself for not getting more done. The sense of control, relaxation, and focus is priceless! Now on to those emails...

...Until next week, Kendall

Website Wisdom Tidbits

~ Tips To Create A Client Capturing Website ~

Keep paragraphs to just 3 or 4 sentences. Reading online is a strain for our eyes and long paragraphs make it even worse.

Add a blank link between your paragraphs, and by all means, don't let your sentences stretch all the way across the screen. If your site design does not already include a right or left hand column, add one to create a defined 'space' for your main content.

Want to see an example? Take a look at our Website Wisdom portfolio

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine. Just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."

Andere groepen in deze categorie bekijken.

Ga naar E-mailinstellingen om de ontvangst van deze e-mail te verhinderen of om te wijzigen hoe vaak je deze ontvangt.

Hulp nodig? Als je je wachtwoord bent vergeten, ga dan naar Passport-ledenservices.
Voor andere vragen of feedback ga je naar de pagina Neem contact op met ons.

Als je in de toekomst geen e-mail van deze MSN-groep wilt ontvangen, of als je dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, klik je hieronder op de koppeling Verwijderen. In het e-mailbericht dat wordt geopend staat al een adres. Je hoeft alleen nog maar op Verzenden te klikken. Je e-mailadres wordt dan verwijderd uit de verzendlijst.
Mijn e-mailadres verwijderen uit Factuurexpress.

Create More Client 'Touch Points' - Part II

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Create More Client 'Touch Points' - Part II

  Aanbevelen Bericht 1 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

~ Create More Client 'Touch Points' - Part II~

Last week you had the 'Uh-oh' realization that maybe your clients don't hear from you as often as you think. Then we created a list of ways to remedy the situation without being a pest. Now the trick is how to find time in your already over-packed schedule.

The solution? Create a framework. A framework is simply a mini-system you execute each week to support your keep in touch marketing approach. For example: My framework includes sending thank you notes out once each week. All I have to do is jot down each person's name on my 'thank you notes due' list, then on Thursday I take 15 - 30 minutes to write and send each note. It's the perfect recipe for high-touch that takes little time.

My coaching request to you is this: Take a look at the list of touch points from last week, decide what supplies you need to create your high touch marketing strategy. Buy and prepare what you need - thank you cards, stamps, articles chosen and formatted for printing. Lastly, schedule a brief time each week to take action. Then DO IT!

Remember, the goal is to stay 'in front of' your prospective, current, and past clients often. After 30 days, take the same quick quiz from last week, and add up how often your clients are hearing from you. This time, I bet you'll be delighted at how much the number has increased!

Now it's your turn!


Personal Reflections

~ My Thoughts On ... ~

Last Wednesday marked the third month of the Horse Wise business makeover coaching program. After leading the teleclass and hearing each participant talk about the changes they are making in how they design and deliver their business, I hung up the phone filled with gratitude and awe at in their progress.

What struck me is how deeply committed each person is, to the program and to creating a different model for running a business than the one of 'work your tail off and maybe you'll get ahead' that is predominate in our culture.

Sure, the program's goal is to 'Work less. Make more. Enjoy the ride! but it takes courage to buck the status quo and create a business that truly rewards you with the profound freedom and financial rewards that are possible as an entrepreneur.

Am I proud of each of them? You bet! And humbled at the same time. Humbled at their trust in themselves, the program, and in me. What a powerful reminder to follow our heart!

...Until next week, Kendall

Website Wisdom Tidbits

~ Tips To Create A Client Capturing Website ~

Lead off your home page with a snappy question or a bold statement. The best questions address the symptoms your choice client is experiencing, yet still get a 'yes' answer.

Example: for an professional organizer, we created the headline, 'Does the 'O' in organize stand for overwhelm?'

Want more examples? Take a look at our Website Wisdom portfolio

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - no cost -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing solutions for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."

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Ga naar E-mailinstellingen om de ontvangst van deze e-mail te verhinderen of om te wijzigen hoe vaak je deze ontvangt.

Hulp nodig? Als je je wachtwoord bent vergeten, ga dan naar Passport-ledenservices.
Voor andere vragen of feedback ga je naar de pagina Neem contact op met ons.

Als je in de toekomst geen e-mail van deze MSN-groep wilt ontvangen, of als je dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, klik je hieronder op de koppeling Verwijderen. In het e-mailbericht dat wordt geopend staat al een adres. Je hoeft alleen nog maar op Verzenden te klikken. Je e-mailadres wordt dan verwijderd uit de verzendlijst.
Mijn e-mailadres verwijderen uit Factuurexpress.

Create More Client 'Touch Points' - Part I

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Create More Client 'Touch Points' - Part I

  Aanbevelen Bericht 1 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

~ Create More Client 'Touch Points' - Part I~

Here's a quick quiz: Add up how many times your prospective and current clients hear from you. I bet how small the number is will surprise you! Maybe it's one of those weird time warp anomalies (like the Bermuda Triangle) but while your clients may be on your mind nearly 100% of your working - and waking for that matter - hours, that often doesn't translate into the kind of keep in touch marketing that builds your business.

Think caring and curious, not pestering and pushy. Here are key times to stay in contact with your clients, along with inexpensive ways to stay in touch:

Immediately after you are first contacted
Send a hand written thank you note with your business card. Include an article or tips list as a bonus. Send a note to your referral source at the same time.

Immediately after you are hired
Send a hand written thank you note expressing your delight in working with them.

Mid way into your project
Call with the single purpose of asking if there is anything they would like to see more or less of, if the project is progressing as they expected, and if they are pleased with the communication between the two of you.

Immediately when your work together is completed
Send a hand written thank you note expressing your appreciation for their business. Include two of your business cards or printed material. In the note, let them know one copy is for them to keep, and the other is to give to someone they know who would appreciate the same type of excellent service you've provided. You can also send a separate brief survey with a self addressed, stamped envelope.

As a bonus, include a special gift. It could be tickets to a ball game or a play, a gift basket delivered to their office, a book you know they would like, a gift certificate to an online store ( is always a good choice), or a gift certificate for future service with you!

Birthdays or anniversaries
Send a card and tuck something inexpensive like a pair of lottery tickets in it. There are many anniversaries to celebrate - their first year in business, the 30 day marker of making an important decision, or the launch of a website are just a few to get you started.

Every 30 days for current and past clients
Send an article or ezine, even if they are no longer an active client.
After one year, if you haven't worked with a past client then move direct mail pieces to a two or three month keep in touch schedule.

Just for the heck of it
I like to clip articles from business magazines that I know a past client will be interested in. It's a surprise treat for them to know I'm thinking of them.

Does this list seem like too much to squeeze into your already over crowded schedule? Realistically, it doesn't have to take more than a couple of hours a week. In next week's issue, I'll share tips on how to make staying in touch automatic and easy to accomplish.

Now it's your turn!



Personal Reflections

~ My Thoughts On ... ~

Today is my first day back from an 11-day vacation. While the time off was relaxing - days spent puttering around the house, cleaning out closets, riding, dancing, and reading - what is worth reflecting on is that I took the time off in the first place.

Last year, except for the business trips we took, I treated myself to about a week off total. Okay, that wasn't true just for last year; it's been true for nearly every year going as far back as I can remember.

So what changed? I decided that if I was ever going to meet my financial and business goals, I would have to work less. Maybe that sounds counter-intuitive, but the way it works is this: to take significant time off (10 weeks total this year) means organizing my business differently. Organizing my business differently means I have to set up systems, and enlist the assistance of others. And gaining that assistance from others means re-thinking where I spend my time, and where I don't. I like to think of working backwards this way as the 'Reverse Domino' strategy.

The Reverse Domino strategy continues to challenge me with creating new ways of working less and making more. Has it been easy? Nope. But the rewards of having a business AND a life are worth it!

...Until next week, Kendall

Marketing Tools

~ Purple Cow Marketing ~

What's the Purple Cow of our Website Wisdom package? For starters, imagine having a gorgeous website that not only captures the spirit of you and your business, but captures clients as well. Add in the fact that you don't have to write a word, decipher tech-talk with a programmer, or lift a finger to organize the project and you're looking straight into the eyes of our Purple Cow. That's why we say it's a 'spa-like experience that pampers you into a client capturing web presence.' Simply put, We do the work - You reap the rewards!

Let us discover your business's Purple Cow! Call 520-577-6404 or visit: Website Wisdom.

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - no cost -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing solutions for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."

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Hulp nodig? Als je je wachtwoord bent vergeten, ga dan naar Passport-ledenservices.
Voor andere vragen of feedback ga je naar de pagina Neem contact op met ons.

Als je in de toekomst geen e-mail van deze MSN-groep wilt ontvangen, of als je dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, klik je hieronder op de koppeling Verwijderen. In het e-mailbericht dat wordt geopend staat al een adres. Je hoeft alleen nog maar op Verzenden te klikken. Je e-mailadres wordt dan verwijderd uit de verzendlijst.
Mijn e-mailadres verwijderen uit Factuurexpress.

Re: selling or creating is just guessing

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selling or creating is just guessing

  Aanbevelen Bericht 2 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

~ Put The Shoe On The Other Foot ~

It amazes me how illuminating it is to actually be a buyer, especially when the purchase is expensive. All of a sudden, you know first hand what it feels like to assess and make a decision - will the product or service live up to it's promise? Can I trust the company? Is it the right choice for me? Is it what I really need?

I am going through this process, as I evaluate hiring a consultant to help me make a critical business decision. The proposed service is just expensive enough to make me ask all of those same questions.

What do you need to hear to say 'Yes' to a purchase? I don't know about you, but I don't want to hear a pitch. I don't want to hear more features. I don't want to hear a note of insistence in the seller's voice. What I do want to hear are questions, or at the very least, information that answers the questions humming privately in my head.

For example, when we purchased our wonderful new Miele vacuum last week (before you think I'm bonkers for being so gung-ho about, of all things, a vacuum, please read last week's Personal Reflections section. You'll understand.) the salesman was, I kid you not, a mind reader. I'm thinking, 'I'll wait and see if the Internet has a better price' and he, unprompted, informed us, 'Miele pricing is the same throughout the U.S.'

I thought, 'What if it doesn't even put a dent in the cat hair that clings to the area rugs like it's glued on?' and he said, again unprompted, 'Let me show you how it works with lint and hair.' Not to be outdone, I thought, 'Who cares about vacuuming anyway?!' and, yes, again unprompted, he said, 'Try it for yourself and see what you think' as he generously offered me the handle. I tried it. Suddenly, I cared about vacuuming. I left, happily toting my new found household best friend and singing the praises of such an astute, savvy, salesperson.

The moral of the story is folks, figure out what you need to know when making a sizable purchase decision. Then quit trying to sell and start asking questions, both the ones you hear, and the ones that are also present, just not spoken.

Now it's your turn!


Personal Reflections

~ My Thoughts On ... ~

Our owls are back! Every morning at precisely 4:30am (yes, that is A.M., as in the morning), we have between one and four cactus pygmy owls resting and talking to each other on our upstairs balcony railing, just outside our bedroom. I have to wonder if they're meeting to compare hunting notes before going off to sleep for the day, or are they congregating to share coffee klatch wisdom?

Regardless of their motivation, their semi-nocturnal visits have changed my sleeping, and waking habits dramatically. Suddenly, lunch at 10:30am sounds like a great idea. By 4:00 in the afternoon, I'm ready to call it quits for the day, and by 8:00pm (just after sunset) I'm ready to roll back into bed.

The chance to observe this teeny tiny (just 6" tall) endangered species, by doing no more than sitting up in bed and looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows onto the balcony, feels like a privilege. So rather than complain about my own missed nocturnal habits, I take this as a sign at how quickly and easily we, or I should say I, can change.

It's as simple as that.

...Until next week, Kendall

Marketing Tools

~ Purple Cow Marketing ~

What's the Purple Cow of our Website Wisdom package? For starters, imagine having a gorgeous website that not only captures the spirit of you and your business, but captures clients as well. Add in the fact that you don't have to write a word, decipher tech-talk with a programmer, or lift a finger to organize the project and you're looking straight into the eyes of our Purple Cow. That's why we say it's a 'spa-like experience that pampers you into a client capturing web presence.' Simply put, We do the work - You reap the rewards!

Let us discover your business's Purple Cow! Call 520-577-6404 or visit: Website Wisdom.

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - no cost -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client-capturing marketing solutions for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."

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Hulp nodig? Als je je wachtwoord bent vergeten, ga dan naar Passport-ledenservices.
Voor andere vragen of feedback ga je naar de pagina Neem contact op met ons.

Als je in de toekomst geen e-mail van deze MSN-groep wilt ontvangen, of als je dit bericht per abuis hebt ontvangen, klik je hieronder op de koppeling Verwijderen. In het e-mailbericht dat wordt geopend staat al een adres. Je hoeft alleen nog maar op Verzenden te klikken. Je e-mailadres wordt dan verwijderd uit de verzendlijst.
Mijn e-mailadres verwijderen uit Factuurexpress.

Ultra Simple Website Marketing

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Ultra Simple Website Marketing

  Aanbevelen Bericht 1 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

~ Ultra Simple Website Marketing ~

In last week's issue, I wrote about creating simple marketing follow up strategies. But what about following up with your online contacts? Does 'meeting' a prospective client online demand different follow up techniques?

Yes, and no. Last week's tips to ask permission, know what you are going to do, use a reliable reminder system, and let your prospective client know what to expect all still apply. The only difference is in the 'how.' Here's a simple plan any website must follow (and yes, I do mean must) along with equally simple how-to's:

1. Ask permission to create a conversation
How? Ask for your site visitor's name and email address. Give them something in exchange. Make it enticing. Promise not to bombard their inbox with unwanted emails. Then live up to your promise.

2. Thank them for the gift of their trust
How? Send a short email saying thank you, and re-iterating your promise. Create a 'thank you' web page that not only gives appreciation, but suggests an action they can take that is of interest to them. It could be reading a report you have online, asking for a consultation aimed at answering their toughest challenge in your area of expertise, or simply asking for their opinion.

3. Know what your next step is
How? Create a regular electronic conversation. It could be a monthly quick tip, a quote of the week, an interesting story about someone doing something remarkable. Keep it short. Make it personal and relevant to your reader.

4. Repeat step number three

I're asking, 'Is that it?!' Yes, and no. Sure, there are lots more ideas you can create implement, but I did promise simple, didn't I? If you insist on adding more, consider these quick ideas:

Send a postcard to all your subscribers, asking them to email you with their toughest challenge. Or create a monthly contest where you give away something really unusual (unrelated to your business) to the person with the best answer to an interesting question. Or create a 'client of the month' section of your electronic newsletter. Or post pictures of clients with their dogs (cats, horses, fish, you get the idea). The idea is to do something worth talking about.

Now it's your turn!


PS - Have an idea? Send it to me!

Personal Reflections

~ My Thoughts On ... ~

Saturday afternoon, we walked into a vacuum store with my bathroom mat - cat hair stuck to it and all - rolled up and tucked under my arm. Forty-five minutes later, we walked out with a new Miele vacuum and a receipt for nearly 100% more than I anticipated spending, completely thrilled with my purchase.

What sold me? I never thought a vacuum could be beautiful, colorful, lightweight, elegant to use, easy to roll around on wonderfully designed gyroscoping wheels that refuse to get stuck, and heavenly quiet. Come to think about it, I never thought I would be talking so excitedly about vacuuming!

Vacuum shopping came right on the heals of finishing Seth Godin's newest book, 'Free Prize Inside' (an absolute must-read!). In it, he chides us for looking at marketing as separate from our product (often making it a tacked on, or nearly forgotten, activity). As he perceives the world, our product is our marketing.

Case in point - before Saturday I had no idea a Miele vacuum existed, nor did I care. I only knew I wanted something I could easily lift, that would magically disengaged cat hair from our beautiful area rugs, and hopefully wasn't too ugly. I also had a budget. I confess I had low expectations of getting what I wanted.

When faced on one hand with the Miele, and on the other a vacuum in my budget, that was small (sort of), heavy, ugly, and every bit as clunky as a vacuum can be, there suddenly became no other choice to make. Ironically, it was only when I got home, hooked up my new darling little wonder machine (which by the way, took all of two minutes) did I notice the tag line on their brochure:

'Anything else is a compromise'

Absolutely right.

...Until next week, Kendall

Marketing Tools

~ Purple Cow Marketing ~

What's the Purple Cow of our Website Wisdom package? For starters, imagine having a gorgeous website that not only captures the spirit of you and your business, but captures clients as well. Add in the fact that you don't have to write a word, decipher tech-talk with a programmer, or lift a finger to organize the project and you're looking straight into the eyes of our Purple Cow. That's why we say it's a 'spa-like experience that pampers you into a client capturing web presence.' Simply put, We do the work - You reap the rewards!

Let us discover your business's Purple Cow! Call 520-577-6404 or visit: Website Wisdom.

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - no cost -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover Kit™, Website Wisdom™, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client-capturing marketing solutions for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."

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Voor andere vragen of feedback ga je naar de pagina Neem contact op met ons.

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