Yes, you CAN guarantee your service

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Yes, you CAN guarantee your service
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Van: Factuurexpress
~ Yes, you CAN guarantee your service ~
Think your service does not lend itself to offering a guarantee? Everyone loves getting a guarantee, but when the shoe is on the other foot, many business owners either have trouble seeing what they offer that can be guaranteed, or are nervous about making an offer they may not be able to live up to.
Here are 4 different examples of low-risk guarantees you can give. Is one an 'A-ha' for you? Let me know!
A Coach can't guarantee a certain result when it's up to the client to take action. Solution? Guarantee what you KNOW will be different: A new perspective; 3 ways to focus their time; 5 sure-fire strategies for getting their life back in control. Better yet, guarantee something like this: 'if you follow my 3-strategy goal setting coaching program, I guarantee you'll get more accomplished than you thought possible!' Notice there is no mention of money returned.
A Cash Flow Consultant can't guarantee a client funding. The solution? Guarantee you'll return their call or email in 24 hours. Then do it. You can also guarantee you'll find the best solution for their needs, even if it means no transaction or commission for you.
A Professional Organizer can't guarantee the job will be complete in a certain amount of time. The solution? Guarantee the client will see a remarkable difference in the area to be organized, or you'll stay until they do. Or guarantee they'll feel like a 10-ton elephant was just lifted off of their shoulders.
This is fun, so let's do one more...
A Re-design specialist can guarantee the client will love the look of their new room or they'll put everything back!
If you offer an information product, like I do with the Marketing Makeover Kit , offer a 100% refund guarantee. I offer a '100% no quibble, no guilt, no time limit guarantee.' I've sold hundreds of Kits and can count the refunds given on one hand. So take a minute right now and create a guarantee. Post it on your website. Mention it when you're talking with an almost-client. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I guarantee it!
Now it's your turn!
PS - Bonus Tip: Add a 'PS' to the bottom of your home page with your guarantee.PS's (is that a real word?) are THE most likely words on your site to be read. Case in point - you read this PS, didn't you?!
Personal Reflections~ My Thoughts On ... ~
On of the reasons I used to loath taking time off, was facing a mountain of email, phone calls, and work when I returned. Yeesh! Made me want a vacation from my vacation. But since I've been following my own Horse Wise program, I've not only taken more tim off this year than ever (4 weeks so far, and another 4 between now and December), I've enjoyed coming back to a clean desk, a small, manageable inbox of email, a few phone calls to return, and a comfortable schedule this week.
The blessing of this turn of events has hit me full force this week, as we just returned from 8 days in New York visiting my husband's family. This, on top of taking 10 days off earlier in the month. So how did I do it? First I decided that the craziness of returning from vacation was not something I was willing to tolerate any more. Instead I wanted peace, the Monday to myself to get back into the work-saddle, and minimum appointments or commitments the first few days back. Then came planning, organization, the willingness to delegate, and an even greater willingness to let go.
I let go of thinking 'it all has to be done now!' That manifested itself in taking a realistic look at my calendar, and creating longer deadlines for projects. I realized that everything takes longer than I wish it did, so now I add in a generous allowance of time for a project. For the Monday I return, my only goals are to write and publish this ezine, catch up on email, and make contact with people who have called, even if all we do is schedule a time to talk. That's it.
Most importantly, I recognize I'll be moving a little slower, and need more time with each task.That alone gives me a measure of acceptance and peace, instead of whipping myself for not getting more done. The sense of control, relaxation, and focus is priceless! Now on to those emails...
...Until next week, Kendall
Website Wisdom Tidbits~ Tips To Create A Client Capturing Website ~
Keep paragraphs to just 3 or 4 sentences. Reading online is a strain for our eyes and long paragraphs make it even worse.
Add a blank link between your paragraphs, and by all means, don't let your sentences stretch all the way across the screen. If your site design does not already include a right or left hand column, add one to create a defined 'space' for your main content.
Want to see an example? Take a look at our Website Wisdom portfolio
Marketing ArticlesYou are welcome to use one of mine. Just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:
"Love what you do but wish marketing would just go away? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Marketing Makeover KitÂ, Website WisdomÂ, and Horse Wise Business Makeover Program specializes in creating innovative, client capturing marketing for your business. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom."
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