To the point instructions for web services I find interesting.

time for time management

Dit veel-te-grote project begint me nu tot last te worden, het is niet teveel werk ofzo. Ik heb het maar moeilijk met mijn tijd verdelen over de verschillende onderdelen. Ik heb tot nu toe gedaan waar ik het meest zin in had, nu zal ik een schema moeten maken om te voorkomen dat er onderdelen verwaarloost gaan worden ondanks het entogiasme waarmee ik aan het geheel werk. Ik mag natuurlijk niet noemenswaardig veel meer tijd gebruiken voor de ene site als de andere, er moet een homogene massa sites ontstaan die allemaal aan mijn eisen voldoen. Ik eis ongeveer 100 maal van een site wat de klant wenst en ongeveer 1000 maal de gemiddelde web pagina, ook moet het resultaat mindstens 2 maal zo puik zijn als zijn betaalde eqavilent. Ik blijf gewoon denken dat ik iets vergeten moet zijn, en dat is ook altijd zo, zo lang ik door zoek vind ik kleine maar ook groote dingen die ik beter kan afleveren. Eerst maar eens visitekaartjes laten maken, echt schandalig dat dat die nog niet af zijn. Dat is niet zo moeilijk 1 ding 1e prioritijd. Ik zal tzt 2000 foto's uploaden en 2000 stippen op de kaart plaatsen. 100 websites maken, die 1 voor 1 af-gemaakt moeten worden en ieder voor zich ge-update moeten worden. Het is hoog tijd dat ik mijn aandacht daar eens schematish over verdeel, bah........ G de Wilde

bitwises chat

I'm using bitwise for the bla bla atm

designated chat

Post subject: Using BitWise to create jobs for people with skills full registration for designated chat rooms. This idea came to me as I thought you should not make a 1 time translation network because the translators get litle reward for there effort ATM. They could be promoted to official bitwise translators, given access to the "translations" chat room. + Set up a translation service. " translation for translation" - I do A Dutch translation for a German, he makes the German one for me. - I do A Dutch translation for an Italian, he makes the Italian one for me. - The German guy makes the German version for the Italian, and the Italian makes it for the German. Now all 3 of us had our site translated in 3 languages. (or 50) They would earn a real position. Crappy translators should be baned from the room. Just like with Gmail, you must be introduced by another user to get in. You moderate the jobs and arrange billing. This idea has nothing to do with translation, it's about register designated chat rooms. Think of any product with support. Developers sharing ideas and bitwise offering real jobs to them._________________Gaby de Wilde Find all posts by factuurexpress Back to top KevinBitWise Administrator Location: Ohio Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:24 pm This actually reminded me of an old idea that is all the way at the bottom of the new feature ideas, in fact, it was copied from the old forums: It's about creating communities of people for networking purposes for people in similar fields. It is somewhat similar to this. I always liked the idea but it never got much interest or support. _________________ ~ Kevin, BitWise Communications Client and Forum Administrator in short: Payment should depend on the subject, the "banking & investing" room should be at least 100$/month/person. The Pokémon room should be free. This would fix the empty user list annoyance. Bitwise is already filtering out some users, people who don't listen to there contacts will never be bitweisers. They just won't install the client no Mather how many times they have to ignore you. Deploy existing networks.(let them figure it out) You just can't post jobs or personal data on the web, this makes it a feature Bitwise can implement like no other. The question is: What does one get for waiting in the chat room untill people and work start flowing in?_________________Gaby de Wilde Find all posts by factuurexpress Back to top

creativity on demand

WAHT? HUH, you mean your nuts??? ABSO-LOOOTLY incredibly. thank you for asking. As, i was visiting the local copy-shop, (having a bit of a retro-obsolete feeling about the kind of business) I (of course) filed the room with my creative OD (and that o so much to big ego of mine, but thats not my point!!!) and bombarded the man with something like a zillion ideas on how to make a business card that looks TO creative.(it's non of your business what i think of myself) hand shredded carton boxes with crayon, and/or have a school of 3 jeer olds do that thing with the old toothbrush (of which i have never heard the English name(help me! (lol))) and paint. Just as some starting ideas to really confuse him and break the ice kinda idea. :P He explained his 24 euro / 100 cards in color concept, and it sounds cool for a store based feature, plastification was a few cent's extra per card. He didn't have a plastic card holder to slide the card in(like in magic the gathering) made me think of putting a little instruction book in a card holder, a great replacement for the thick paper normally used. But the copy-shop man has a lot of knowledge on making books, and he has a separate rate for printing normal paper in black and white. The staple and cutting may cost a little money but it makes a "BETHA BUZYNES KARD" with shit paper, and some card holders from the toy-store. He will make the colored printed cover 1 mm bigger as the black/white pages in the book. He can also fold them better. Not bad for a 1980 kinda store concept. So I had a problem and I was so f* creative to multiply it by 16 O_O argh......... Any ideas for my 16 problems? Am I in trouble now?


DotTK De romantiek van het .tk domijn. Imagine a small island in the Pacific Ocean. The ocean wind breezes over the coconut trees. There is nothing to worry about. No telephone, no fax machine and no email around. The only daily worry is the ship coming in the harbor with fresh fish, to be divided equally amongst the people in the village. Maybe that's the reason why Tokelau, carrying the web address extension .tk is so relaxed about its domain registration. Tokelau is a small island, consisting of three atolls, some 500 miles from Western Samoa and is inhabited by less then 1500 people. Living on just 17 square kilometers (12 square miles) and the only way to get there is by traveling by boat for some 42 hours. Because the island is so remote and has little means for trading and development, it is also quite poor. Enough statistics and facts, why are we giving away free domain names? DotTK

Tour van Enkhuizen

the big map :D

ijs bij koomen

menu kaart van koomen

zeeuws meisje





raam van koomen

actie aan het frituur

zelfs zelf de snaks eten, mmmm

afhalen bij koomen

snakbar koomen





de beeldentuin

de beeldentuin

de beeldentuin





drukkerij rustenburg







kaart van koomen

boom -.-




een smart :)

Restaurant koomen

Restaurant koomen

ingang koom3n

ingang koomen

het raam van koomen??

de snakkoerier

Restaurant Koomen


malak van koomen

menukaart koomen

menu van koomen



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