To the point instructions for web services I find interesting.


I use quite a number of firefox extensions, I think it's save to say that having extension conflics is not uncommon above 20 extensions. I made a selection and tested until I had a huge set of nice gadgets and tools that would even work as a whole. I just hit update and the set was to be expected not to work. Running firefox in safe mode after it didn't start anymore I found myself eliminating close to the whole list. And growing something I would call a firefox depression, how was I to use this browser like I was used to? I did a few googles and found Tab Mix Plus. Now this looks interesting! It does.... It does..... man! It does everything I need! We are not worthy!

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Mark some of your favorite weblogs and track updates in various formats. I specially like the opml export. I cant remember where I found it but the bookmarklet to add pages to your list is here, just drag it to your bookmarks toolbar. If you use firefox with an extension to open bookmark in a new tab you will have to hold alt to force it to load in the same window.

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FeedBurner is a really usefull service to make your rss feed more readable. But it also offers other nice features, Personally, I like the buzzboost a lot. This is probably why you see all over this blog.

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The template for Factuurexpress is starting to look like something. I should start posting things but don't have any schedule for this at the moment. I keep a bit to much blogs but intend to make frequent updates here. I will blog short descriptions of various services I've used and think are worth checking out. The sidebars are to make sure you always find something worth reading. Now lets hope google wont punish me for being to index-like. I do tend to twist things by my own view so I say it's a blog so it is a blog. I hope you like it have fun learn lots of things and grab the atom.


Pingoat pings a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them. By pinging, you let the services know that your blog has been updated, they crawl publish and index your content, increasing popularity.

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