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People Buy Possibilities

  Aanbevelen Bericht 1 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

People Buy Possibilities ~

Every week, my coaching and teleclass clients give me a real-time, front row center view of what's working and what isn't when it comes to marketing a service business. That makes it easy to spot a trend. The trend I'm currently charting is sacrificing what you really want to say to a potential client, in favor of being "nice" or "polite."

You have nothing to gain by holding back from telling a prospective client what is on your mind. Nicely. For example, you could ask,

"So tell me, what do you want to accomplish
with _____ (fill in with your service)?"

Nice. Bland. Boring.
Or you could ask,

"So tell me, if this project succeeded beyond your wildest dreams, what would it look like/do for you?"

Wildest dreams spark the imagination. Just by asking this question, your prospective client is going to start associating getting a fabulous result with you. Here's another one:

"What would you like to get that you aren't getting now?"

Hmmm...doesn't it automatically make you start thinking about the possibilities? Your prospective client will have the same response.

Now it's your turn!


It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

"I have been sharing with attorneys the pre-lawsuit financing program, but I have yet to get to first base with these guys and gals. I have sent several faxes, letters and emails to them. I am having difficulty in being able to set appointments to briefly discuss the program. Your suggestions?!!"
Signed, Chomping At The Bit

Dear At The Bit,
Seems like just because you follow the rules of the marketing game, so should your prospective clients, right? Expecting prospective clients to line up neat and tidy like bowling pins is every business owners' dream. Ahhh, if dreams were only reality..

Marketing is often like putting together a puzzle. Every piece has to fit. The pieces you already have in place sound fine. The piece that is missing is familiarity between you and the attorneys. My suggestion is to search your personal rolodex for an attorney you know, or ask your friends if they know an attorney that they are willing to introduce you to. All you need is a bit of personal influence used on your behalf and the remaining pieces of the puzzle will start to fall into place!

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Need A Compelling Marketing Message? ~
Here's What Will Help

Download "Crafting Your Marketing Message" now.
It's a sample chapter from the Marketing Makeover Kit.
Visit and click on the link for
the sample chapter. It only takes a minute!

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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