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Are Gatekeepers Blocking Your Path?

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Van: Factuurexpress

~ Are Gatekeepers Blocking Your Path? ~

If you think you can get around, get through, or get around a "gatekeeper" (the person in charge of answering the phone) then my advice is to give in. Believe me, they have seen and heard it all. Instead of trying to trick or bluff your way around them use the same permission approach I talk about every week.

Here are my 3 favorite permission tips to use:

#1. Ask for their help

#2. Be direct and honest

#3. Ask for direction and the next step

Here's what you might say:

"Hello, this is <your name>. I need a bit of help. If I tell you what my company does can you direct me to who I should speak to?"

or "Hello, this is <your name>. I'm hoping you can help me. I'd like to speak with the person in charge of ____ but I don't know who that is. Can you point me in the right direction?"

The point is to be simple, direct, and above all, deferential. The thought that I keep first and foremost in mind before I call is, "THEY are in charge - NOT me!" That thought will give you inner guidance to go with the phone answerer, not against them.

As my mom always says, "You can't push the river." Good advice - thanks mom.

Now it's your turn!


It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

"I am a virtual assistant and have contacted potential clients that I'm interested in working with by sending them a personal email introducing myself...then I follow up with a phone call a few weeks later if I don't hear from them. With all the new legislation coming out on SPAM and the "do not call list", I'm concerned that I may get into trouble."

"I feel that my emails are totally "legit", however I am still concerned. What would you suggest may be the best way to attract or contact new potential clients that are not within my location? Advertising can be very expensive - my budget is limited."
Signed, Careful and Cautious

Dear Cautious,
You're smart to be looking before leap. Despite (or maybe because of) 24/7 access we have to each other via email and cell phones, we've become a zero-tolerant society when it comes to a stranger contacting us. And therein lies your solution.

If an email campaign works for you, then you are safe only if you build or buy an "opt-in" list. If buying a list doesn't fit your budget, and building one will take too long, then piggy-back onto someone else's list. Here's how it works: think of another business owner who also markets to your same choice client. Contact them and offer to write a tip or a short article for their ezine and their web site.

Here's another catchy idea - what about offering a "virtual assistant makeover" contest? The winner gets a virtual office overhaul using your special brand of magic. The contest is listed in the ezine several times to give people a chance to enter. The result? A ton of positive exposure for you without spending a dime!

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Wondering How To Introduce Yourself ~
Without Sounding "Canned?"

Download "Crafting Your Marketing Message" now.
It's a sample chapter from the Marketing Makeover Kit.
Visit and click on the link for
the sample chapter. It only takes a minute!

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

Ik vraag om de bedrijfsleider, als ik die niet kan spreken vraag ik waneer dat wel kan.

Als ze vragen waar het om gaat vertel ik dat ik dat beter met hem zelf kan bespreken.

Als ze dan niet mee werken vraag ik eerst de naam van wie ik moet hebben en daarna om hun voledige naam, die schrijf ik dan hardop op, L-E-T-T-E-R voor L-E-T-T-E-R.

en vraag ik:

 "<naam van persoon> kan jij mij even met <naam van wie ik moet hebben> doorverbinden of me vertellen waneer <naam van wie ik moet hebben> wel berijkbaar is?"

Ik ben dus nog nooit "niet doorgeschakeld" daar ben ik veel te lastig voor. Ze hoeven maar te zeggen "probeer het morgen" en dan ben ik blij. Als dat niet kan mag ik best een beetje moeiljik doen.


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