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Questions are everywhere, Insights are not

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Questions are everywhere, Insights are not




Ik beweer al jaren Insights te hebben.

Durft men mij geen vraag te stellen? 


Powerful Questions Take 2 ~

I was sorting through archives of Weekly Marketing Wisdom and came across an issue from last June. It perfectly fits what most entrepreneurs seem to struggle with the most - how to get a prospective client's attention. I'm repeating it here, along with the Precision Question examples you can pick up and use immediately. Plus a coaching request at the end so please read on...

This past week, I was riding my horse and thinking about marketing (sounds like I need a life, doesn't it?) Actually, riding my horse gives me tremendous inspiration. Gazing out at the mountains, breathing fresh air and hearing the many different musicals produced by the birds does more for my creativity than sitting in front of a computer screen.

Onze omgeving heeft veel meer invloed als wij zelf op onze persoonlijkheid.Daar hoef ik U niet voor op te sluiten. Dat weet U alang.  

Ik vond het zelf een angstaanjagende ondekking, als ik niet de juiste omgeving kan vinden of creeren kan ik ook niet de gewenste persoonlijkheid krijgen.

De onderdelen van mijn webdesign die ik BEWUST op locatie "het park" verzon zijn veel mooier als de dingen die ik achter de pc bedacht.

En dat zal niemand echt verbazen.




As we trotted along I kept coming back to the question of what
stands in the way of you, my loyal reader, from getting more business.

The answer? Asking the right kinds of questions. Powerful questions.
Not wimpy, 'Gee I would like your business, are you having a
problem with X?'

Here are 3 power-packed Precision Questions you can use immediately:

• If you could change one thing in your life/business that would have the greatest impact, what would it be?

• If I could wave a magic wand and clear up your toughest business/life situation, what would that be like?

• If working together exceeded your wildest expectations, what would that look like?

Here's a coaching request from me to you: ask each question out loud right now, I'll wait...Now ask them again only this time, use a tone of voice that comes from a place deep inside of you. It's as if your voice has a sub-text and the sub-text is 'Your life/business depends on it!'

I came across a great quote, believe it or not, from Microsoft.
It read, "Questions are everywhere, Insights are not"

You see, with the right questions, you can create insights that were lurking unseen, and undiscovered. The insights your prospective client has will quickly lead them into asking how you can help them.

Ask compelling, deep, meaningful questions that go straight to the source of what is bothering your choice client. Think of the most edgy, pithy, cut-to-the-chase questions you can. Then ask them with deep caring, love and compassion.

Sound a little scary? That's okay. Do it anyway. Your business life depends on it.

Now it's your turn!


Pick your favorite Precision Question. Send me an email and I'll publish them in an upcoming issue. Send your favorite Precision Question to me at kendall@kendall

It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

"My #1 marketing challenge is I have a fitness club in a small town and a new club opened about 4 months ago. Their club is about twice as big as mine and all bright and shinning. I've lost some members to them but the base of my members have stayed. I'm building a new club and I want to build up my membership before I open up, what should I do?

I've done a great job of meeting the nutritional, fitness and culinary needs of my members. I need a marketing plan to counter the ads from the other club. They call themselves the community club and they give away tanning, towels, daycare and initiation fees, everything I charge for. I have a feeling the free stuff as to end at some point, but new prospects want some of these free things from me.
Signed, Fit To Be Tied

Dear Fit ,

Sounds like you've enjoyed being the only show in town for a while. The good news is, competition creates demand. The bad news is, if you try and compete on price or even on services, you stand a chance of winning...or losing. Your competition has a theme that sends a message of "we care." My guess is, so do you.

Here's what I recommend. Figure out what your members really want. Sure, free stuff is great but what's even more important to them? You mentioned you'd done a good job of meeting nutritional, culinary, and fitness needs. What about offering free low-fat cooking classes and fitness evaluations? What about a contest for the most inches gained or lost (depending on if you're building muscle or shedding pounds)? When it comes to fitness, I suspect that staying motivated is a big need that you can fill.

The key is to create your own theme. That'll give your marketing direction and identity, and a brand people want to belong to.

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Need A Compelling Marketing Message? ~
Here's What Will Help

Download "Crafting Your Marketing Message" now.
It's a sample chapter from the Marketing Makeover Kit.
Visit and click on the link for
the sample chapter. It only takes a minute!

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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