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Holiday Marketing

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Van: Factuurexpress

Easy Holiday Marketing ~

When it comes to networking, I've noticed that most people put too much pressure on themselves. Yes, it's nice to have the perfect 10 second elevator speech, benefit questions that roll off your lips and a clear, compelling marketing message. But it sure isn't

Here are 3 tips that keep networking easy, natural and comfortable.
I'll also share a personal anecdote about my own networking experience.

TIP #1 Be curious about who you don't know...
Make a point to talk with someone you have just met. They may be feeling shy or out-of-place. Your attention and interest in them will go a long way towards building genuine rapport.

TIP #2 Don't try too hard to make an impression...
Give up the idea of asking THE perfect question. Ask a different sort
of question instead. Something like:

"Tell me how you got started in your business?"
or "What are some of the challenges of your business?"

My husband's favorite is to ask "What is your future claim to fame?" with a friendly, easy going smile on his face. People love it!

TIP #3 Listen more than talk...
Remember a time when you felt you were really being listened too?
Listening well to someone is the greatest gift you can give. Resist
adding your own personal story in response to what the other
person says. Instead, ask another question, or make a comment about what skill they had to use to get where they are today. This is
listening with your heart as well as your ears.

Take advantage of the holiday mixers, partied and get-togethers. There is a wealth of holiday events to attend that are perfect opportunities to mix business with fun. The main thing is to go!

By the way, remember the personal anecdote I promised to mention? Well, thanks to a leads group networking function, I met my wonderful husband, Richard. It just goes to show, you never know the strength of the connections you'll make at a networking event.

Now it's your turn!


P.S. If you're looking for super easy, clear-cut, simple solutions to your marketing problems, then check out the Marketing Makeover Kit on CD. It's all new - new ideas, new exercises, tons of examples, and excellent sound quality.

It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

Remember the issue on "Closing The Selling Loop"? (missed it? click here) One reader wrote in and offers this piece of wisdom:

"I have found even when you do set a follow-up date with a prospect, if the prospect is not convinced your solution will solve his/her pain, or his/her pain is not severe enough to take action, they WILL find a reason to cancel/stall the next meeting. It's important to determine:

1) does this prospect have the access to $$ to take action now?
2) does this prospect have the authority to take action now?
3) is this prospect really motivated to take action now?

Without all three of these, you'll find you shouldn't have had the first appointment in the first place."

Carol Cole-Lewis
Executive Coach

Great words of wisdom Carol - thank you!

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Help For Word Trippers ~

You know how embarrassing it can be to trip over simple words you're *supposed* to know how to use? All of a sudden, your credibility goes down the drain and you're left wondering how to salvage an awkward situation.

So why trip when you can waltz with the new Word Trippers
quick-reference guide? For $7.77 you can have every word tripper
snafu solved. Order now and have Word Trippers at your
finger tips in an instant with this quick, easy to use ebook.

Click here to order now:

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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