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If you want to increase your business, decrease your work time by 20%

  Aanbevelen Bericht 1 in discussie
Van: Factuurexpress

 How To Instantly Increase Your Business ~

Have you ever had one of those moments where all of a sudden, you instantly see the solution to something that's been a problem? Last Wednesday was that moment for me.

About two months ago, I heard my mentor say, "If you want to increase your business, decrease your work time by 20%." That little voice in my head said, "Yeah, right! I'm already working as fast as I can, I don't need to cram any more in a day."

I kept hearing his words like a song that wouldn't stop playing in my head. Then it happened. Last Wednesday, as I was plotting out an increase in my web copy writing business with my coach, I instantly "got" it. It wasn't about cramming more in - it's about working differently. In a heartbeat, I saw that by working differently, I could make more money faster, with less work, and a whole lot more fun.

I made a decision on the spot to take action now, not later, on my web copy writing business. My coach was happy. I was happy. Now I feel liberated to create new and different ways to reach my goals.

• What would you have to do to reach your goals AND work one day less day each week?

• Who would you need on your team?

• What would you delegate or give up?

• Where would you focus your time?

Working 20% less sounds a little scary, maybe even a little crazy, but I'm convinced it's the only way to reach your goals without being a slave to your business. After all, don't you deserve to love what you do...and profit?!

Now it's your turn!


P.S. If you're looking for super easy, clear-cut, simple solutions to your marketing problems, then check out the Marketing Makeover Kit on CD. It's all new - new ideas, new exercises, tons of examples, and excellent sound quality.

It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

"My husband and I are cash flow consultants working on building a factoring business. We purchased your Marketing Makeover Kit and are going through the exercises to make a plan of action, and have hit a snag -- we don't know what direction to take. We have 6 different ways we want to market, but you recommend picking no more than 3. Our Problem - we don't know how to narrow those 6 down to 3. Any advice?"
Signed, Too Many Choices

Dear Choices,
Wow! You and your husband went after creating marketing options like you'd won the "all-you-can-cram-your-basket-with-in-15-minutes" shopping contest. No basket can hold everything though, so good for you for asking how to leave some of your ideas on the shelf (at least for now).

Your problem is actually easy to solve. Take another look at your choice client. What is the best way to build credibility and familiarity with them the fastest? You mentioned in your email your choice client is an executive. Cold calling is probably going to be a waste of time. Networking (both with referral sources and directly with your choice client), speaking, and articles are going to be a good bet. If you narrowed your choice client down to specific industries, you'd stand a good chance of getting an article published in an industry journal.

Think Saks, not discount, and some of your options will naturally stay on the shelf, leaving you with clear choices, and a fit that is just right for you...and your choice client!

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Need A Compelling Marketing Message? ~
Here's What Will Help

Download "Crafting Your Marketing Message" now.
It's a sample chapter from the Marketing Makeover Kit.
Visit and click on the link for
the sample chapter. It only takes a minute!

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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