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Let Your Almost-Client Organize You As A Solution

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Van: Factuurexpress

~ Let Your Almost-Client Organize You As A Solution ~

Even when an almost-client likes and understands your service, they can hesitate to make a "yes" decision. Why? Because people fundamentally don't like change. And even though your service may be the perfect solution for their situation, implementing it still means a change is involved.

So what can you do? First of all, make sure and use your Precision Questions to uncover the symptoms and the problems your almost-client is experiencing, along with the result they want instead. In just a few minutes, the conversation will naturally come to a place where you can gracefully ask this question:

"What would you have to do to implement this solution?"
or a slightly different version is:

"What would have to be in place for this solution to be implemented?"

What you are listening for is the client to work out the people and systems that have to be taken into account for your solution to be a success. As you coach them through this discovery process, the fear or uncertainty of implementing something new is greatly diminished. Now your almost-client is seeing your service not as a hurdle to overcome (which they won't anyway) but as the solution it is!

Now it's your turn!


P.S. Curious what "Precision Questions" are? Check them out , along with the other goodies included in the Marketing Makeover Kit:

It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

Last week's reader question asked for the best way to market a training to non-profits that would train homeless people for free, with the intent of making some of the sub-contractors after they completed the program. I thought you would enjoy reading the feedback my response sparked, in the sender of the question...

"Thank you for addressing my question regarding the nonprofit in the
newsletter. Thought I would give you an update. First, I went to the
homeless center and was given a tour. After the tour I went (cold calling) to a couple of community centers in the area to see if I could set up free classes...I talked with a director for some time. She was very interested in my plans and suggested I go over to an agency in town with dozes of centers (The Work Source)...I talked with the powers that be, and set up a free class like the ones I would be giving the homeless people they serve. I am involved in NSF check recovery and am trying to build from the ground up.

It was well received, and the expected glitch you guessed (commission only as an independent contractors) came up. I mentioned that the 1/2 day training would be free, and that it would include excellent marketing skills that would transfer to any thing else the attendees wanted to do. I thought I was going to be meeting with one person, I met with a panel of four. They liked what they heard and I am scheduled to teach more classes. The
fact that I had secured the class at The Work Source already was
impressive. Thank you!"

Just in case you're wondering what the coaching was I gave in last week's ezine, here is a reprint of my original response :

Dear On It's Way:
At first blush, this seems like such a win-win situation, I can't believe marketing to the agency would be difficult at all. But since you took the time to write me, I'm going to guess there is some obstacle that isn't immediately apparent.

Marketing to anyone always boils down to finding out what the client (which in this case is the agency) really wants to accomplish, and what they see as an obstacle. Don't be shy about unearthing the obstacles. The sooner they are discussed, the better off you'll be. It's too easy to waltz around the dance floor to the tune of surface level issues when the real theme to be addressed hums beneath the surface.

For example, let's say the agency might see you as trying to take advantage of people without paying them. What do you do? Demonstrate how the training you'll give the homeless folks will make a positive, lasting difference in their lives with skills they can carry forward no matter who they work for. You can point out that their increased self-esteem and self respect can make the difference in getting off the street that much sooner.

Your mission is a worthy one! Stay focused on the outcome you share with your client - the agency - and there's a good chance you'll have that win-win after all!

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send it to me and see it published right here, along with specific coaching to solve it.

Personal Reflections

~ My Thoughts On ... ~

During the holidays when I bought the new PT Cruiser (which, by the way, I am loving), I was struck through to my core with intense gratitude. I instantly decided I wanted to keep the gratitude going by giving back in some way. Without really settling on anything specific, I let the thought go, until a week later when I was reading a fabulous book called, "Your Unique Ability" by the people at

In the book, they mentioned that if your unique ability is fulfilled at work, but not in your personal life, you'll tend to work to much. Gulp. That got me to thinking, and before I knew it, I had the perfect idea for how to give back - by volunteering to assist people with disabilities ride horses.

So now once a week I'll be a "horse handler." This is a huge stretch for me! I am not an experienced volunteer (except at horse shows), and have no experience helping people with special needs. Another gulp, but this one is a good gulp. What I do have a lot of experience with is that the wisdom and magic that comes from being around the honesty, grace, and generosity of a horse is healing balm for our insides as well as our outsides. Between designing the new business mastery coaching program which utilizes the wisdom of horse whispering, and volunteering with horses, I am in horse heaven!

...Until next week, Kendall

If you're interested in reading about my innovative coaching program, go to this prior ezine issue and read about it in the Personal Reflections section. I'm even asking for suggestions on a name:

Marketing Tools

~ Need A Compelling Web Site? ~
Unique Website Wisdom Package

If you're ready to say "goodbye" to amateur sites that don't do you a lick of good, and "hello" to a clear, compelling web site that reflects the best of what you have to offer in benefit rich language then give me a call or send me an email. Our Website Wisdom packages is unique and effective! Call 520-577-6404 or send an email to:

In case you missed the Marketing Snapshot tool, simply point your mouse here and get your New Year Marketing started right:

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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