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'Reward Yourself For The Effort, Not For The Result'

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Van: Factuurexpress

'Reward Yourself For The Effort, Not For The Result' ~

If your "to do" list this time of year is already full, then you'll appreciate this week's issue. It's taken from one I wrote exactly a year ago, and it's as timely and supportive now as it was then. Enjoy!

This little pearl of wisdom, 'Reward yourself for the effort, not for the result' gives me an immense feeling of relief every time I say it. I came across it early this year, at a time when I was being too hard on myself for not getting enough done, even though I was 'peddling as fast as I could.'

Maybe that's how it is for you right now. Maybe you are peddling
as hard and as fast as you can just trying to keep up with gift
buying, your family, and holiday parties. Not to mention listening to that inner voice whisper: 'You know, you really should be working on ... (fill in the blank with whatever is bringing on the guilt for you right now)'.

Why not reward yourself for the effort, and for once just forget about the result? I know, this may sound shocking coming from me, the 'results queen', but I also know that accepting where you are right now as being exactly where you need to be, is a gift you can give to your self, that no one else can.

So, reward yourself for the effort and not the result. Let yourself off the hook of 'should' and enjoy loving and being loved.

Now it's your turn!


P.S. Stay tuned for new topics, new tips, and new ideas with January's issues. I have loads of new marketing wisdom to share with you!

P.P.S. If you're looking for super easy, clear-cut, simple solutions to your marketing problems, then check out the Marketing Makeover Kit on CD. It's all new - new ideas, new exercises, tons of examples, and excellent sound quality.

It's Your Turn

~ Readers Share Their Toughest Marketing Questions! ~

"I am a Bark Buster franchisee. Our system of solving dog behavioral issues is the best. With our service our clients will see changes immediately; in most cases we can train a dog in 2 - 3 hours. We go to the clients home, where the behavior is exhibited; the dog and owner is less stressed. We teach the client simple techniques so they have the tools for any ongoing training. It's fun for both the dog and the family. We are the only in-home dog training company that offers a Life-of-the-Dog Guarantee, which means we will return free of charge for the rest of the dog's life. Our biggest objection is: I need to talk to my spouse. How do I overcome that objection?"
Signed, Barking Up The Wrong Tree

Dear Barking,
I bet in your training you advise dog owners to catch their pooch in the act of mischief early, rather than waiting until after Fido has torn the couch to shreds. Same thing with people. Hearing an objection means your dog owners are trying to divert you by throwing you a bone.

The solution? Get to the heart of their canine catastrophe early. Ask, "How important is it to you to have Freckles not ruin your silk dress when he jumps on you?" Then, just before you talk about price, summarize what they've told you they really want...and why it's so important!

You can even say, "We're not the cheapest solution. We're the best. And the fastest. And the only one with a guarantee. So if you're looking for a permanent solution to Spot's chewing/barking/jumping/digging problem, we're the only choice that's guaranteed to work. How does that sound to you?"

And what about the mystery spouse who holds the keys to your barking up the wrong tree? Easy. Include them in every question, as if they were present in the room. For example, ask, "What's important to your husband/wife about Freckles jumping problem?" Keep your eye trained on what's most important to them, and they'll be licking their chops for your service in no time!

Have a tough marketing challenge? Send me an email and I'll answer it in this ezine!

Marketing Tools

~ Help For Word Trippers ~

You know how embarrassing it can be to trip over simple words you're *supposed* to know how to use? All of a sudden, your credibility goes down the drain and you're left wondering how to salvage an awkward situation.

So why trip when you can waltz with the new Word Trippers
quick-reference guide? For $7.77 you can have every word tripper
snafu solved. You can have Word Trippers at your finger tips in an instant with this quick, easy to use ebook.

Click here to get your copy:

Marketing Articles

You are welcome to use one of mine - for free -
just be sure and include this "author's box" at the end:

"Isn't it time you learned to market in a way that's right for
you? Kendall SummerHawk, creator of the Be Yourself Marketing(tm) "Marketing Makeover Kit" specializes in working with
entrepreneurs who love what they do, but wish marketing would
just go away. Visit for more articles and marketing wisdom."

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